Thursday, February 19, 2009

Messages from Spirit - Cledon

I awaken inside of me and know there was more to life then meets the eye. I heard the saying. Have you ever seen a million dollars? Just because you haven’t doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I learned to pay attention to synchronicity. I would start my day and ask what am I to learn today? What is the best way to live today? As my day proceeds, I get ready and do what was on my list to does.

Examples: I would be brushing my teeth and I swear the lady in the TV commercial was talking to me. I would be driving along and the radio announcer is talking about something but I hear his voice answer the question. I think, “Oh no he didn’t” what disbelief over came me. I know he didn't say that to everyone. The more I accepted God’s way to speak to me the more I was excited to getting the messages. Examples like that go on an on. What I called synchronicity, others call it cledon.

Cledon - spontaneous form of getting a message from the otherside. It is giving innocently and unknowingly delivered to you by someone. This will serve as Divine Guidance.

So once you ask a question go out and live. These answers stick out like sore thumbs to me.

As I give a reading to people. If there is more then one person, like in a gallery setting. As I am getting them I am also giving out clues. For instance, I feel this is a brother who hung himself. Feels very bad of the choice he made. He doesn't want you to make bad choices. I may be speaking to one person but the message could also be for someone else. It is just like when someone is telling their sad story or an inspiring message and you swear they were talking about you or they were speaking directly to you.

You may hear other people talking and they bring up a subject. You feel it is a warning. You are excited to make a dish that requires you to use peanut oil to bring out the flavor. But the two people talk about how hard it is to read every label to find out if it has peanuts in it. There are so many people who have peanut allergies and how deadly they are. You feel this is a message to you and you decide to cook without it, you maybe me thankful because you might find out later that the people you were going to serve it to have peanut allergies.

Once you get a sign a cledon then you will know that you can’t go looking for it. It has to find you and once it does you will know. If you were to go looking for it then you Ego, your conscious state will get in the way which causes doubt, fear, worry, and a whole host of things that you don’t need to go thorough.

In life as a mirror world, you will to know this is a great clue. lifeisanillusioneducation.blogspot